Work Shop dan Pendampingan Sukses Mengembangkan Sumber Daya, Sukses menjadi Entrepeneur pada Penerima Dana Hibah DIKTI Program Pembinaan Mahasiswa Wirausaha tahun 2024 di STIESIA Surabaya


  • Anton Eko Yulianto Sekolah Tinggi Elmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya
  • Yahya Yahya Sekolah Tinggi Elmu Ekonomi Indonesia (STIESIA) Surabaya


Entrepreneurial, motivation, business, entrepreneurial success


Entrepreneurship development not only benefits individuals in making changes and improving their quality of life, but also brings positive impacts to society and the economy as a whole. The goal of the community service conducted through these workshops and mentoring activities is to enable participants to succeed as entrepreneurs by optimizing resources to the fullest in running their businesses. The method of implementing the activities is through training and the application of entrepreneurial motivation and 11 practical steps that must be taken to start a business. The results of this workshop and mentoring activities show that many young entrepreneurs still need to learn and must pay attention to the two elements mentioned above. Motivation in entrepreneurship is necessary to develop abilities and skills, encourage commitment to achieving goals, while the 11 practical things must be applied by young entrepreneurs to become successful entrepreneurs.


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How to Cite

Eko Yulianto, A., & Yahya, Y. (2024). Work Shop dan Pendampingan Sukses Mengembangkan Sumber Daya, Sukses menjadi Entrepeneur pada Penerima Dana Hibah DIKTI Program Pembinaan Mahasiswa Wirausaha tahun 2024 di STIESIA Surabaya. POTENSI : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 1(4), 36–46. Retrieved from

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