Dampak Sosial Media terhadap Syndrom Fomo pada Perilaku Remaja
Fomo, Social, media, SyndromeAbstract
This Community Service activity is motivated by a phenomenon that occurs,especially among teenagers, which is closely related to the desire to always exist in all things, which sometimes has a negative impact on the development of attitudes and behavior in life. Without considering and realizing that their abilities do not match their parents' abilities, this gives rise to an insecure attitude, always wanting to be fashionable or follow trends, even though this does not necessarily suit their character. Generation Z's lifestyle is that they don't want to be left behind by developments in social media information. This phenomenon is known as FOMO where teenagers who are affected by it always want to appear updated and don't want to be left behind with developments, whether it's fashion or trending styles. Fomo is an abbreviation of Fear Of Missing Out. Generally, teenagers feel Fomo when they miss a trend in their social life. Fomo has a negative impact because affected individuals or teenagers try to satisfy themselves with the development of social media. Fomo will become a syndrome where teenagers lose their identity due to low self-identity, if they don't follow the trend, they will feel confused and give rise to an attitude of feeling ostracized.
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