Pelatihan Merakit PC dan Instalasi Windows untuk Pemula


  • Masbullah Masbullah ITSKes Muhammadiyah Selong
  • Salmi Yuniar Bahri ITSKes Muhammadiyah Selong


Training, PC Assembly, Windows Installation, Beginners


Computer assembly is the process of putting together various hardware components to ensure the computer functions optimally. To assemble a computer correctly, a deep understanding of its hardware, both logically and physically, is essential. Additionally, in order for the computer to be used for its intended purpose, software installation is required. This installation includes programs like Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office, and others, which help adjust the software to the installed hardware and unpack compressed files. This community service activity is held at SMK Lowis Sakti, Sakra Timur, focusing on computer assembly and installation training. This process plays a vital role in the development and maintenance of efficient and reliable computer systems. A comprehensive knowledge of assembly and installation procedures is necessary to ensure optimal system performance and security. Therefore, the goal of this training is to equip SMK Lowis Sakti students with the skills to assemble and install computers independently, enabling them to apply this knowledge both in school and in the workforce.


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How to Cite

Masbullah Masbullah, & Salmi Yuniar Bahri. (2025). Pelatihan Merakit PC dan Instalasi Windows untuk Pemula. POTENSI : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 1(4), 56–66. Retrieved from

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